Saturday, May 28, 2011

We have crabs!

Lol. Hermit crabs! (Pardon my animation, I've had an Odouls tonight!)

We went to a store with this huge display of hermit crabs. The girls were mesmerized! So they bugged us until we relented and so far it hasn't been horrible (as in messy, crabby as I thought it would be).

Presley did put hers down the other day in the house and then forgot where she put it. After looking for it for about ten minutes, I rounded the corner and saw it climbing down the arm of the couch. The next time, I made her play with them outside.

Teagan's hermit crab just changed shells. It was a fun discovery this morning. In this picture, Teagan's actually holding Presley's. So we are thinking that one (the soccer ball) will take the green shell soon!

Presley named hers Slinky. Teagan named hers Poopoo or Poophead (depends on the day).

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